Norman: I think you’ve invented a new Silicon Valley lexicon. Now let’s see how it gets picked up and put into use. It’ll be fun to see what sub-atomic particles are added by the worker bees! Susan

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Those are so funny, and so scarily true that you wonder how you ever really get things done.

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Quantum physics meets psychology of personality dynamics - I love it. Norman, this is a great insight. - Mike

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Thank you! And said by a great psychiatrist!

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Okay, BJ. I ran this past Norman this evening at the Essert’s, and he okayed it. So now I need to run it past you for final approval. Last Thursday when Norm and I told you about his Silicon Valley lexicon (actually, it will work anywhere you have entrepreneurs) you said, “What about the moron?” Brilliant. So here is how I would define the moron particle: The moron has an extremely high I.Q. He is the “smartest” guy in the room, but only in the very narrow area of smarts that is defined by I.Q. testing. HOWever. The moron is completely uncoachable, because he believes no one is smart enough to teach him anything, especially about HIS technology. So, we mere mortal coaches cannot tell him that he needs to commercialize a product and not a technology. He dismisses this idea with a guffaw and a wave of his hand. He will not hear us tell him to create a presentation where he is not reading his slides. He thinks his data are all so important he must show AND tell. He will not hear us tell him that the funder is theee client, not the other way around. Put the benefits to the investor up front, not at the end when they are asleep. He is a total idiot, which is the poetic beauty of the moron particle. The smartest guy in the room is a total moron!

So, Wha’d’ya think, BJ? Can this define the moron particle?

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